Full Version?

Yes, even though the Free Tool will help you a lot, there are plenty of ways to improve it and to add many features that will make your life even easier. Some of them are just small esthetical things to give you more control over the looks of it, but some features might totally change your workflow. Just have a look and imagine.

Drawing tool

Let’s start easy. You will get a simple drawing tool if drawing seems better than typing at the moment. It might be a great helper if you discuss projects and you can directly draw on a mock-up, pdf, chart and so on.


You will be able to keep your input forever in the app itself. With folders, you can organize it for different purposes, like classes, clients, to-do lists and so on. You will be able to export it to a file or keep it in the cloud.


You’ll have full control of how the app looks. Your colors, sizes, fonts, logos, sounds, animations. Make it feel like home. You will arrange a separate style for note-taking and another for your audience.


There are more amazing features that I will keep secret for now. But prepare to be surprised!

How Generous Do You Feel Today?

To download the app choose the amount you wish to spare.

If you don’t feel like spending money on it now or ever, that’s totally ok.

but any amount makes a difference

1 year free

2 years free

4 years free

forever free

Prefer Crypto Currencies? I accept those, too! HERE.

You can also early invest in the app, each 1% of shares will cost you now just €1000. Only 5% shares available now.
Contact me to learn more.